Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Future Journals

Originally, I had conceived of the Personal Almanac as a replacement for the "traditional" digital calendar.  I have begun to revise my thinking a bit on this issue. Grid calendars are just so useful when it comes down to the nitty gritty just-get-it-on-my-calendar kind of interaction. A future dentist appointment isn't something I want to sit down and feel warm and fuzzy about. Some things just need to be remembered without having to be memorialized in the imagination.

Considering this, I'm beginning to think of the Almanac as more of a journal and less of a day planning tool. Journals are for special things or events. They're emotional. Journals are about experiences that you'd like to reflect on. So, the Almanac is like a future journal. It's about looking forward to the place you want to be next.

Lakes in the land of May